That’s all, folks!

And another one is in the books. Hopefully everyone had a great time at Higgyball 2010. Congrats to Rockin’ and Rollin–Wayne and Casey–for taking home the cup this year. I thought we had a very smooth competition, and like always, have some great ideas to improve next year’s event. Thanks as always to our gracious hosts, Marc and Danielle, for providing a great location and atmosphere. And thanks to all of you, because without you as participants and fans, Higgyball wouldn’t be the same. Only 363 days until Higgyball 2011! Keep an eye on this space for more announcements throughout the year, as well as to sign up for a Higgyball listserv. Also, if you took any photos during the event, please get a disc to either me or Paddy, and we’ll add them to the site.

If you’re missing anything or left anything at the party, please contact Marc or Danielle to retrieve it.