Welcome to the new Higgyball Online!

We’ve been working hard in the off-season to get things changed up around here, and we hope you like what we’ve got so far. The new look is only the beginning of the changes.

  • We implemented social login with both Facebook and Google+. If you already have a Higgyball account, login as you normally would, click the Profile link next to your name in the right sidebar, and click either or both of the “Link to” buttons. Follow the instructions from either Facebook or Google, and from then on, you can login with either of those accounts here at Higgyball Online. If there’s a demand, I can add social login for Twitter as well. Note: You’ll want to login with your original Higgyball Online account, and then link your Facebook or Google+ account from your profile, else you’ll probably create another Higgyball Online account. Let me know if you have questions.
  • We also have Facebook Like and Comment boxes. Connect your Facebook account, and when you like a post, it’ll show up on your Facebook timeline for all the world to see. Go nuts with it.
  • Another great feature is the fact that Higgyball Online now works on mobile devices. Now you can get your Higgyball fix on the go, with your smart phone or tablet. The entire site should resize based on the screen size of the device you’re on.

There are more changes to come, so stop by often to see what’s new!