Final Prep

We’re just a couple days away. A quick reminder for teams to be on time: 11:00am sharp! If you’re going to be late, let us know now. If you can’t make it at all, let us know that, too. We have some teams waiting in the wings, and it would be better to get things sorted now.

Also, the weather. It’s looking like we may see some rain, but we’re going to play through it (unless there’s nearby lightning). Bring a poncho or some sort of shelter just in case. If it looks like the weather will be really bad, we’ll postpone to Sunday and make the most of it. Stay tuned to your email or text messages; we’ll try to get the word out in advance if we need to go the Sunday route.

Don’t forget your community bags of ice, bocce sets, adult beverages, Food Registry items, sunscreen, chairs, camping gear, and a cheerful attitude. Here’s to another great Higgyball!