That’s A Wrap

Another great Higgyball in the books. Congrats to House Team for yet another championship, back-to-back. Can they be stopped?


It was great seeing some new faces in the Final Four, too! Congrats to Brews and Balls, Celtic Thunder, and Absolutely Fabulous. MVPs were Alison Bridge/Lexi Marsh (co-MVP) and Andy Bomholt. The weather held out, the atmosphere was phenomenal, and I think everyone had a great time. I heard several people use the new “kiss” rule, including the deciding points in one of the semifinal games, which was neat. And thanks again to our gracious hosts, Marc and Danielle!

If you missed out on the Higgyball shirts, we’re re-opening orders for one last batch of orders. Go to the Shirt Orders page to get one. Don’t delay: we need your order by end of day on Thursday, June 2, and then they’ll be gone forever.

We need your photos. Please send them to me, and I’ll include them in our galleries. I’ll take them via email, Dropbox, or any other method you may have. I can grab Facebook galleries as well, so feel free to include me on a gallery and I’ll get them added. Thanks!

Finally, look for a survey request coming very soon. We can always make Higgyball better, and that will be your chance to give us feedback. It’s not required, but we would love it if you would help us by filling it out.

Thanks again, everyone! The only bad part is, now is the longest part of the year until the next Higgyball.