Congrats to Delta House Variants

A big congratulations to Dan and Peter from Delta House Variants!

Both are former winners (with different partners: Dan in 2017 with Flavor Savors, and Pete way back in 2012 with Northern Foes). This is their first victory as Delta House Variants. DHV had a tough road in the knockout tournament, but got through four (!!) former champions to take the crown, including an absolute drubbing of Wedding Jeans in the Final, 12-3. The MVPs this year went to Jen Robb and Liam Walker. Congrats!

A big thanks to our gracious hosts, Danielle and Marc, and everyone else who made Higgyball 19 a special year. It was an absolute perfect way to spend a sunny Saturday in May, and I cannot wait to do it again next year. We have some big plans for Higgyball 20, so save the date: Saturday, May 25, 2024.

A Few Last Minute H19 Notices

  • It appears we’re going to have that classic glorious Higgyball weather tomorrow, but do bring sunscreen and reapply it liberally throughout the day. You can get burned or even sun poisoning on a partly cloudy day. Also, stay hydrated! Pro tip: beer does not keep you hydrated.
  • Please bring a large bag or two of ice to put in the giant communal drink tubs. A pack of water bottles or sports drinks couldn’t hurt, either (see point #1). The grill will be running all day, so bring your grillables and other potluck items to share.
  • Please keep your shoes on. Our gracious hosts recently had their roof replaced, and that means nails and other debris hiding in the yard. There is also bits of glass from a shattered glass table lurking about. Please instruct your guests to be safe. The only place you can be barefoot is in or around the pool.
  • Parking will not be in the front as in recent years, but off to the right. Park near other cars, and there won’t be any issues.
  • Don’t forget to bring your (regulation-sized) bocce sets. If we somehow don’t have the full complement of sets, it’ll make the day drag a little bit.
  • If any teams need to make a change, let us know ASAP.
  • We start the opening ceremonies at 11:00am. See you tomorrow before 11:00am!

Higgyball19 Is Nearly Here

We’re just a few days away from Higgyball, so stretch those joints and ready those coozies. Here are just a few reminders to ensure you have a good Higgyball experience:

  • BE ON TIME! Reminder for the address: 7650 King Rd. Oxford, OH 45056. The event starts at 11:00am, so be there before then, especially if you’re on a team. Speaking of teams, take a look at the rules. Newcomers should familiarize themselves with how we run things. As usual, we’ll run everything through a computer on the deck, so you can see field assignments and standings on the big screen. Teams should check in at the deck computer when you arrive (this is especially important because we need all teams present to begin the tournament). If you’re ridiculously late, we’ll give you a loss for your first round match-up. If you know you will be late, please let someone know long before the start of the event.
  • If you’ve signed up and your plans have changed regarding Higgyball, please let me know, and you’ll get your money back. If someone bows out the day of the event, we’ll take any replacements that are at Higgyball to fill the spot. If you would like to play and have yet to sign up, click here for the waitlist.
  • If you pledged your balls to Higgyball, please bring your bocce sets with you, and check in with a council member for field assignment. We’ll do our best to make sure you leave with the same balls you arrived with.
  • The weather looks to be close to perfect, but if needed, the rain backup date is Sunday, May 28, 2023. Any teams that cannot make that date will get a refund.
  • Items to bring: water, sunscreen, bocce set(s), food items to share, lawn chairs, water, bug spray, sunglasses, tape measure, rain gear, swim suit and towel, and water.
  • Ice! It’s so important, it needs its own section. Please bring a large bag or two of ice to throw in the giant communal beverage tubs.
  • Just like recent years, parking is now in the big field to the left of the driveway (rather than on the right as in years past). Just park where everyone else is parked.
  • Lastly, check out the Higgyball Dry Goods store for cool swag. Do it!

Bad Swag, Good Registration

Unfortunately, it appears that someone at Zazzle has decided that this year’s cow logo is potentially in conflict with their trademark/copyright policies, and have pulled all of the Horrorshow (cow) products from Higgyball_Dry_Goods. That being said, I successfully ordered (and received) 3 cow stickers when the products originally went live, so there is a chance that you may have beat the system before the fun police showed up. More likely, your order was rejected and cancelled. If this is the case, Zazzle will refund you directly if, in fact, your were ever charged at all.

New, replacement items have been published and should go live by Tuesday, 5/2. Please visit Higgyball_Dry_Goods and take another swing at it. I apologize personally for the inconvenience.

On a positive note, yesterday’s registration was wildly successful. 29/32 Spots have already been filled! If you know anyone who has shown interest in joining us, I encourage you to let them know that we only have three spots left. See you soon!

Higgyball Registration

Update 5/9/2023: We’re full! Please use the Wait List to get your team in line for a backup. We almost always have teams drop out, so don’t be shy!

Registration is now open! Click here to register.

As other teams register, you can follow along at the Bracket page. While you’re here, check out Higgyball Dry Goods to get your merch. If you don’t yet have a partner, sign up or look on the Free Agent list.

Also, don’t forget, the event will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 11:00am at 7650 King Rd. Oxford, OH 45056. Brush up on the rules, and don’t be late!

Registration, Merch, and Maps

Here’s a quick reminder that Higgyball registration is happening this Sunday at 12:00pm! Visit to make sure you can access your account so that you don’t delay, as spots can often fill up fast. A link to the registration page will be sent right at noon, and then you can follow along at the Bracket page (some teams are already there because they were in the Final Four last year). If you don’t yet have a partner, please use the Free Agent list. When all spots are filled, we’ll open the Wait List. For those that sign up on Sunday, please remember to pledge your balls to Higgyball, as we need several sets of bocce balls to be able to run all fields at once. Also, you’ll have a chance to add music requests during registration.

While you’re here, visit the Higgyball merch store to get some H19 swag! Some great pieces from Patrick, as usual. Reminder that we’re using a new supplier that will ship the items directly to you.

If you’re new to Higgyball, you’ll probably need to know how to get there. Here’s the address: 7650 King Rd. Oxford, OH 45056. Keep an eye on the weather, and start planning now to make sure you don’t forget anything. Reminder that Higgyball is on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 11:00am (sharp!) with a rain backup date of Sunday, May 28. See you out there!

H19 Registration is Sunday, Apr 30 at 12pm

Higgyball19 Registration will be open in less than one week, on Sunday, Apr 30, 2023 at 12:00pm. The tournament this year will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 11:00am.

Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements to find a partner (if you’re solo, add your name to the Free Agents list now, and maybe you’ll find that special someone before registration). Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.

Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots are taken.

Higgyball19: Save the Date / Registration

It’s coming! Save the date. Higgyball19 will be held on Saturday, May 27 at 11:00 in the AM.

Higgyball19 sign-ups will take place on Sunday, April 30th at 12:00PM (noon) at

Higgyball bocce is played with teams of two, so now is the time to make arrangements with a partner if you haven’t yet. If you can’t find a partner, a “free agent” list will be provided for you. Each team will be charged an entry fee of $10 during the online sign-up process.

Slots will be allotted for 32 teams. 1st – 4th place from Higgyball18 will be provided automatic entry, but still need to sign up! Don’t wait until the last second, as slots fill quickly. A wait list will be opened if all 32 spots are taken.

Expect more info in the weeks to come, including updates on shirts, maps, registries, etc. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at


Higgyball 20

Saturday, May 25, 2024

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